It appears that for the remainder of the season the grooming will be sporadic at best. The access from the Kingswood end to transport our equipment is very muddy and difficult to get through. If we had temperatures that turned the mud into a frozen mass then we might consider doing a little more grooming. And before someone suggests moving the gear by trailer - we won't be doing that. That was done in the past and no one wants to return to those days. That being said it could be the end of the grooming. I want to give a big thanks all the people that help with the grooming.
Enjoy the spring skiing when temps and conditions allow. The base is fairly deep in the woodlot.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Bob has touched up the trails. Conditions are good now, but he reports that the trails are softening fast in the sun. Take an early lunch if you can.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
No access from Kingswood
Due to construction using heavy equipment near the trailhead, it is not safe to access the ski trails from Kingswood until further notice. Please use an alternative entrance. The Kingswood trails are still groomed and skiable. It is just the entrance - up to the highway underpass tunnel - that is out of bounds.
There is no access from Kingswood due to construction, but Bob has touched-up everything, including the Kingswood trails. It is the area from the parking lot to the highway tunnel just before the first hill that is blocked by construction. Everything else is good to go. It was great skiing yesterday - should be more of the same today.
The construction at Kingswood has made it difficult to access the grooming equipment safely. It is not clear whether we'll be able to groom this morning. I will post an update later once we have more news.
Monday, March 23, 2015
There is construction with heavy machinery going on at Kingswood right now. It is best to go in by another entrance for the time being.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Rex is going to groom in the morning (Monday). Should be great conditions. Take advantage before the rain hits on Thursday.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Bob has finished grooming. He reports "great spring skiing," fairly firm and smooth, with good classic tracks.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Saturday Skiing
Bob will be grooming first thing tomorrow (Sat) morning. Today's warm temps put some moisture into the snow, so it should set up nicely overnight. We're expecting excellent conditions after it's groomed, especially if you can get out before it warms up too much.
Rex is out grooming now. He should be done in time for a noon ski. Not clear how firm it will be.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Both the Woodlot and Kingswood have been groomed. Tracks have been set in the Woodlot, but no tracks will be set in Kingswood until the wind dies down. Classic skiing should be good, especially in the Woodlot, but the skate surface is very soft.
UPDATE: All reports confirm that the skate surface is very soft.
UPDATE: All reports confirm that the skate surface is very soft.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
The plan is to roll the trails early this afternoon. Grooming and track-setting will wait until tomorrow so the surface can set up overnight. At least there isn't any more snow in the forecast.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Post-another-storm plans
Rex and Donat will start rolling tomorrow (Monday) at 9:00am. Bob and Brian will do more rolling and hopefully grooming on Tuesday. The surface has to set up to be reasonably firm before the groomer can be used. Bob and Brian will set the classic track on Tuesday if conditions permit.

Saturday, March 14, 2015
Ski before the storm
Rex is out touching up the skate surface right now. Should be great skiing once he's done. Get out today, before tomorrow's storm!
UPDATE: Rex is done. Conditions are prime.
UPDATE: Rex is done. Conditions are prime.
Friday, March 13, 2015
More great skiing today
The skating yesterday was fantastic, and you can expect more of the same today. Bob has just finished touching up the skate surface and it is firm and fast. Enjoy!
Thursday, March 12, 2015
After the thaw
The trails are rock hard and icy after yesterday's thaw. Bob and Rex are working on the skating surface now. Eventually the drag and the ginzu together will be able to turn the icy surface into some great, fast skate skiing, but it will take some time. Should be somewhere between okay and great this afternoon, depending on how things go. The classic track is more difficult because it is deeper. It may not be possible to reset the classic track today. I will post an update later.
UPDATE: Bob and Rex are still working, but they report that skate conditions are excellent already.
UPDATE: They've started snowblowing some of the Kingswood trails so they can get the greens ready for spring. Be careful.
UPDATE: Classic tracks have been reset.
UPDATE: The Woodlot is still accessible from Kingswood, but they have started snowblowing some trails and you will have to walk about 100 feet at the top of the first hill Also be careful about the snowblowers. Also, the road from the parking lot to the trailhead is very muddy.
UPDATE: Bob and Rex are still working, but they report that skate conditions are excellent already.
UPDATE: They've started snowblowing some of the Kingswood trails so they can get the greens ready for spring. Be careful.
UPDATE: Classic tracks have been reset.
UPDATE: The Woodlot is still accessible from Kingswood, but they have started snowblowing some trails and you will have to walk about 100 feet at the top of the first hill Also be careful about the snowblowers. Also, the road from the parking lot to the trailhead is very muddy.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
No grooming Wednesday
With warm overnight temperatures forecast, there are no plans to groom tomorrow morning. When the snow is warm it will get balled up in the groomer and make things worse rather than better.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Trails were freshly touched up this morning and were looking good and fast before the little dump of snow. Should be good skiing this afternoon, but likely a bit slower than it was this morning.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Friday, March 6, 2015
The skate surface has been touched up. Apparently it is very fast.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Rex and Bob are planning to get out this morning to set classic tracks and touch up the skate surface. Should be good skiing later today.
Update: The Woodlot is done -- groomed and trackset -- and Rex is working on Kingswood.
Update: The Woodlot is done -- groomed and trackset -- and Rex is working on Kingswood.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Wednesday grooming
Rex has been out grooming all morning and he should be pretty much done by now, so conditions should be good for a noon ski.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Golf course work at Kingswood
Kingswood will start taking the tarps off their greens in a week or so. When they do, they will use snow blowers to clear some of the paths
that we ski on in order to get to the greens. Be careful when skiing on Kingswood -- skiers and snow blowers don't mix. Also, there will be some bare patches on the main Kingswood trail that you will need to walk across. We hope that the highway trail will hold up so we can keep getting the grooming gear through.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Monday touch-up
Bob will touch up the skate surface this morning. Should be in good shape for a noon ski.
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