Ski trail maintenance is expensive! Please remember to signup for a membership with Wostawea here. Membership fees are vital to allow the club to groom and maintain the ski trails. Thanks!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Track being set

Bob has finished rolling. The highway trail has been opened up, but the skate surface is very soft. He is track setting in the Woodlot right now, so he should be finished in time for an after-work classic ski.


  1. As of last night (Thurs) at 6:30 or so, the skate surface was starting to firm up quite nicely.

  2. We found it pretty firm just now. Decent glide, too. Conditions have generally been incredible, considering the ridiculous quantities of snow we've been getting.

  3. We found it pretty firm just now. Decent glide, too. Conditions have generally been incredible, considering the ridiculous quantities of snow we've been getting.
