Ski trail maintenance is expensive! Please remember to signup for a membership with Wostawea here. Membership fees are vital to allow the club to groom and maintain the ski trails. Thanks!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Woodlot Good, but Kingswood Closed

Bob is out grooming now. He reports:

"Trails in the Woodlot are grooming up nicely. Kent has a few passable bare spots. The inner circle is great. No track set. Kingswood is closed."


  1. Had a great ski from the Kent entrance this afternoon on waxless skis. A few rough spots - but still great to be out skiing...Milda

  2. Fast and icy in the Woodlot this afternoon. Classic tracks pretty much ruined. Bring rock skis.

  3. Out last night. Hard, icy, fast. Better than sitting on the couch. Didn't see anyone else. Some snow would be nice.

  4. Trails have been touched up to give a softer surface for a day or 2 anyway. Need snow!!

